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Preliminary course training
This exercise is an excellent warm-up to jumping courses. Despite the simplicity of the set-up, this full range exercise enables the rider to work his horse on staying on a precise and straight track while approaching fences with a steady rhythm.
Time: 8 min 25

Training on a succession of jumps
One of the keys to a successful course is to be ready for everything at all time: jump, turn, stop, slow down, or speed up…Michel sets up a small course that is really effective at getting the rider be in control of her position, her mind, and of course her horse.
Time: 9 min

Training on a dressage figure
A comprehensive exercise to set-up all the key elements for a successful jumping course while having fun: a well seated rider, straight jump approaches and landings, some curves well executed, some flying change of leads and yet being in control with a steady rhythm. 
Time: 5 min 30

Training on sharp turns for the jump-off
This course is a succession of jumps taken at an angle with sharp turns upon landing and long distances. It’s an excellent training exercise for horses and riders for speed challenge’s courses.
Time: 3 min 45

Fun gymnastic in preparation for shows
This course that alternates straight lines and successive turns, is an excellent gymnastic to break down a course  and prepare each part of it. Despite the difficulty of this exercise, it is safe and it will become fun for the horse and rider.
Time: 13 min

Style and straightness over combinations
This is an excellent gymnastic for horses who have a tendency to jump with a hollow back and for horses who drift in combinations.
Time: 4 min

Training exercise for flying change of lead
This is a gradual exercise encouraging the horse and rider to break down and automatize the movement for a good flying change of lead.
Time: 9 min

Connection and responsiveness of the horse on landing
This exercise enables the rider to keep his horse responsive and under control, especially when landing from an oxer. Consequently the rider will be able to speed up, slow down, turn or get ready to jump another fence.
Time: 9 min

Straightness of the horse through a line of fences
To get your horse really straight is also essential when jumping combinations. Indeed, if the rider is not paying attention and let the horse drift over the first fence, the issue will get worse on the second fence and then the third one. In that set-up, the horse will end-up running out.
Time: 4 min

Style and carefulness in the combinations
This excellent exercise emphasizes on the quality of the jump and the horse’s understanding by encouraging him to analyse the situation and therefore to organise his movements.
Time: 2 min