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Improving your horse’s responsiveness and speed in his jumping movement

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Résumé listing: 

This exercise is specifically designed to improve the horse’s responsiveness and style over grids, especially after a large fence such as a water jump or an oxer (…)

Niveau de difficulté: 

This exercise will teach the horse to lift his knees and shoulders faster to jump better. This exercise is designed to improve the horse’s responsiveness and style over grids especially after a larger fence type such as a water jump or an oxer which prompts the horse to get flat and rush. The rider has to let the horse take the responsibility of finding the solution to jump in the best conditions.


Michel shows us the exercise riding Undiams, an 8 year old gelding who is really willing to jump but who also has a tendency to rush fences.

The idea is that the rider should interfere with the horse as little as possible to let him find the solution. On the way-in to the grid, the rider has to move his hands forward during the take-off stride and keep his horse on a straight line while following the movement over fences. Under no circumstances, should the rider use his legs and hands aids like most riders are used to do, thinking it will help the horse. On the contrary, the horse needs his complete freedom of movement to learn to settle over combinations, pick-up his shoulders, use his back over fences and yet improve his front end speed of reaction.

 rides in the grass paddock with log fences. You can also practise it with some show jumping fences. The bank can be replaced by an oxer, a water jump or even a Liverpool….The height of fences should be adapted to the level of the horse and rider.

Cours associés

Flexing and stretching over a jumping line

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Résumé listing: 

An excellent gymnastic that favours the top line suppleness and the correctness of its motion. This exercise is also a good way to school the horse and rider over liverpools and water-jumps.

Niveau de difficulté: 

An excellent gymnastic that favours the top line suppleness and the correctness of its motion. This exercise is also a good way to school the horse and rider over liverpools and water-jumps.


This grid encourages the horse to flex and stretch his entire body. The double on the way-in encourages the rider to approach the line with a cadenced canter and sets the correct length of striding prior the water jump. Therefore, the horse is ready to cover the length of the water jumper that is next. The distance between the water-jump and the oxer on the way out reinforce the horse stretching motion.

Michel teaches Alice who spends a few days at the yard for a clinic. During this session, Alice rides Undiams, an eight year old gelding who has been trained for the last few weeks by Michel to reach the top level. Alice has, here, an excellent opportunity to discover new sensations with this horse who she rides for the first time.

Michel has set up a line of jumps that includes a water jump, a combination on the way-in and an oxer on the way-out. The horse has to bring together the quickness of his front legs, the stretching of his top-line over a wide obstacle and the pushing power over a high fence on the way-out. The key elements to be successful on this exercise are relaxation, steadiness of the strides, straightness and the rider’s eyes with a wide angle view.
 This set-up is also a good way to practise water jumps which can be feared by horses and are causing many faults during a course. It is therefore very wise to work this type of obstacle at home without the added stress of the competition.

Undiams has usually a tendency to speed up in combinations. After jumping the line a few times, it appears that the exercise is profitable for his training. The horse is focused and attentive to each single fence and deconstructs each element of the line.

Cours associés

How to gain confidence on high fences

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Résumé listing: 

The goal is for the rider and the horse to gain confidence on high fences. The set-up of this exercise enables us to raise the height of the rails without taking any risk.

Niveau de difficulté: 

This line of jumps is similar to the one in the puissance competitions. The goal is for the rider and the horse to gain confidence on high fences. The height of the fences and the distances between them are progressive which allow us to raise the fences with no risk.


In this session, Michel rides Undiams, a talended 7 year-old gelding out of Diamant de Semilly. He has been training this horse for several months now and making him gain some experience over some 1m35 courses in competition.

Michel warmed up the horse previously with some flat work and then over a few small fences. Going over smaller fences at first allows for all the joints and muscles of the horse to warm up.


When the horse is loosened up and connected with his rider, Michel starts jumping the line of fences. The fences are raised up progressively. With a horse like Undiams, it’s important to channel his energy and his desire to jump. Michel has to keep him under control while making him jump in the centre of the fences. Training on this kind of line encourages the horses to jump in a calmly manner and to apply himself for each jump.


This video gives you also the opportunity to watch Michel’s wonderful position over every single jump, especially his hands that are moving forward during the take-off stride. It gives you the correct mental image to memorise and reproduce.

Cours associés

Style and carefulness in the combinations

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Résumé listing: 

This excellent exercise emphasizes on the quality of the jump and the horse’s understanding by encouraging him to analyse the situation and therefore to organise his movements.

Niveau de difficulté: 

This excellent exercise emphasizes on the quality of the jump and the horse’s understanding by encouraging him to analyse the situation and therefore to organise his movements.


This thorough exercise encourages the horse to stay calm on combinations and to break down his movements on each jump. The grid is also excellent at improving the horse’s style and his front legs ‘speed of reaction.

Horses who have a tendency in rushing to the rails will find themselves in difficulty over the grid. They will have to analyse the situation and understand that staying calm and reorganising their trajectory will be the correct answer. Riders will have to be in the same state of mind and wait for the jump, up to the take-off stride yet maintaining a straight line going thru the grid.

Variant / Progression: 

This exercise is thorough as it includes a bounce, a vertical, and an oxer. It can be practised in both directions. It’s unnecessary to jump high. In this way, we need to be looking for the quality of the jump and the horse’s understanding.


Cours associés

Gaining confidence in combinations

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Résumé listing: 

This is an exercise for providing inexperienced horses and riders with confidence, allowing them to jump a number of fences knowing they are on a good stride.

Niveau de difficulté: 

This is an exercise for providing inexperienced horses and riders with confidence, allowing them to jump a number of fences knowing they are on a good stride.


Heights: between about 40 cm and 1 metre – keep the first fence very small. The heights increase from the first to the last fence. For example: 50 cm - 70 cm - 85 cm - and 1 metre for the last vertical.
Normal short strides

Preparing to jump lines and combinations

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Résumé listing: 

Preparation for combinations with three or four fences providing horse and rider with experience without jumping excessively large fences.

Niveau de difficulté: 

Preparation for combinations with three or four fences providing horse and rider with experience without jumping excessively large fences.

Cours associés
Miniature cours associés: 

Improve the jump trajectory

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Résumé listing: 

For horses with a tendency to jump too “big”, this exercise allows one to transform a long jumping trajectory into height.

Niveau de difficulté: 

For horses with a tendency to jump too “big”, this exercise allows one to transform a long jumping trajectory into height.


It is crucial to approach the fences and land perpendicularly to the line. There is no point in putting up the fences if the rider is unable to keep his horse straight and in the centre of the exercise. This exercise in particular requires a slow and cadenced working canter while approaching. One must not tolerate any lengthening of the stride. If the horse speeds up 3 strides off the first fence, the rider must circle or halt.

This form of training is effectively totally incompatible with a rider who is out of control or a horse that rushes its fences. Equally, this line cannot in practice be ridden if the rider does not maintain wide-angled vision.

Improve the horse’s technique

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Résumé listing: 

It is a very good exercise for improving the horse’s jumping technique, especially for those that tend to jump with their knees beneath them. If I were obliged to choose only one exercise this would be it. I have tested it for decades and always obtained excellent results, especially with young horses, although the exercise is also useful for horses at all levels.

Niveau de difficulté: 

It is a very good exercise for improving the horse’s jumping technique, especially for those that tend to jump with their knees beneath them. If I were obliged to choose only one exercise this would be it. I have tested it for decades and always obtained excellent results, especially with young horses, although the exercise is also useful for horses at all levels. The aim is to allow the horse to improve its jumping technique. If the jump over the first fence is not very good, you will notice that the next jumps will improve as you repeat the exercise.


The horse :
This exercise is aimed at improving the horse’s jumping technique, and above all the way it uses its neck allowing it to quickly pull up its knees (only if the rider accompanies the movement with his hands).

The rider :
You must, above all, remain centred on your reference position and keep contact with the horse because these are short distances. The eyes are of course looking towards the end of the line. You should also ensure that the horse is kept well within the axis and at the centre of the line.

Variant / Progression: 

Repeat 3 or 4 times and then, for example, add a filler (or a liverpool) under the second or the last vertical to get the horse used to “strange” fences”. Since the distances within this exercise are ‘correct’, it is easy to progressively raise the fences, while maintaining heights that increase from the first to the third fence.

Number of times the exercise should be ridden :
Repeat this exercise 4 or 5 times at heights you are accustomed to.
Should you decide to raise the fences a little, raise the last fence. Stop and pat your horse as soon as  he has jumped correctly.

Preparing to jump combinations

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Résumé listing: 

This exercise allows one to approach combinations with confidence; therefore, I strongly recommend it for preparing young horses and riders with little experience.

Niveau de difficulté: 

This exercise allows one to approach combinations with confidence; therefore, I strongly recommend it for preparing young horses and riders with little experience.

The 50 centimetre cross-poles regulate the horse’s stride and allow the following fences to be approached always in the same rhythm and with the same quality canter. The oxer will be easy to raise, because the problem of the distances involved are solved: in fact, there is no other choice except to put in one stride between the first and the second fence, and 2 strides between the second and the third.
With less experienced riders it is advisable to place a distance pole (at 2.50 metres or 3 metres) in front of the exercise.


The horse :
Having a calm and regular-paced horse is a fundamental condition for correctly approaching the line.

The rider :
It is crucial to remain calm, and to use one’s wide-angle vision. Enter the exercise at a “schooling” canter (or, if you prefer, a working canter) and take care to maintain the same quality in your canter after the line, by imagining that  there is a very large oxer to be jumped further ahead. You must of course remember to ‘go with’ your horse and move your hands forward to follow the jump when approaching the last fence.

Variant / Progression: 

The cross-poles placed at the entrance of the exercise can be kept and
easily put up to a height of about 1 m.
The height of the vertical will depend on the level of the horse and the rider.
The oxer, on the other hand, can be raised because it never usually presents a problem, especially when placed at the end of a line. All this on condition that the fences are raised progressively  and that the horse is well rewarded every time it jumps the line correctly.


Number of times the exercise should be ridden :
Repeat a maximum of 3 or 4 times

Cours associés
Miniature cours associés: 

Control the quality of the horse canter

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Résumé listing: 

What is important here is to be capable of maintaining a regular working canter while approaching, in between fences and after landing (...)

Niveau de difficulté: 

This exercise allows the rider to control the quality of the horse’s canter:
. In 5 strides, he is cantering correctly
. In 6 strides, the canter is too collected
. In 4 strides, the strides are too long: work again on controlling the pace on the flat.

Young horses, of course, find it more difficult to shorten their canter.
In this case the rider must be less demanding and should initially establish 4 strides as his objective.

The horse
In all jumping exercises, the more the horse’s canter is round, elevated and obedient, the better the jump will be.

The rider
What is important here is to be capable of maintaining a regular working canter while approaching, in between fences and after landing. To succeed in this, ride from a distance “as if” preparing to halt after the first fence. Thus, the horse will understand that the distance is a short one. When within the line, keep your basic seat and maintain the same pace at all costs. Certain horses tend to lengthen their stride when landing after the first cross-pole, and shorten when approaching the second one. Others will do the opposite. It is up to you to keep the canter regular at all times, obtaining stride lengths that are as constant as possible.
Ride the exercise in both directions with a minimum of 3 strides in a straight line before the first fence and after landing after the second one. Once again remember your centred position!


Solving a few problems
Riders who tend to turn quickly when landing after the second fence often “twist the horse” over the jump. Oblige your horse to remain on the line’s median axis and to jump in the middle of fences, and above all use your wide-angle vision.

If the strides are irregular, you can improve matters by using distance poles to mark each stride between the two cross-pole fences.

Cutting corners while approaching: place 2 skittles or poles forming a corridor in front of and behind the fence (10 metres before and 10 metres after the end of the line)  to oblige the rider to approach and exit the exercise in a straight line.

Number of times the exercise should be ridden
This line can be jumped between 10 and 15 times in the course of one session, on condition that the horse will not have to work very hard afterwards.

Variant / Progression: 

There is no progression in the height of the fences. One searches above all for progression in the quality of the canter and pace control.

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