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rider’s mind works

Choose the winner view!

Droits d'accès: 
Programme / Dossiers Miniature: 
Résumé listing: 

To choose the large angle view is to choose the winner view : The body gets upstraight, the chest opens up, the breathing is set free, the brain gets oxygenated…..That is the way physical and mental tensions clear up.

Mots clés: 
rider’s mind works
rider's position
rider's mind
the rider's eyes
Niveau de difficulté: 
Contenu du dossier: 


Here is my tip to make great and quick progress : Look up and afar ! That way you will rise above events and you willl be able to tackle the difficulties you encounter. To choose the large angle view is to choose the winner view : The body gets upstraight, the chest opens up, the breathing is set free, the brain gets oxygenated…..That is the way physical and mental tensions clear up.

It is impossible to imagine to what extent simply «disconnecting» the eyes can improve one’s seat, help the understanding of a movement and improve harmony with the horse… The most rigid rider can become supple over a very short period of time. Once again, rigidity and hardness are, above all, mental and not physical, as most of us tend to believe.

«All riders are capable of using their wide-angle view when approaching, during and after a fence»...Except the blind, you’ll answer. However, the blind, in fact, sit up straight, supple and relaxed. They are totally involved in paying attention to their sensations.

Everyone is capable of using a wide-angle view. I have tested this on riders of all ages and all levels. I have come across riders with totally stuck and rigid seats, blocked shoulders and gritted jaws… It would have taken ten years to solve all their problems. In two sessions, we achieved exceptional results simply working on their minds… though their eyes. I never even mentioned their seat, their horses, or their manner of approaching fences, until they were able to control their eyes. As they repeated the exercises, looking in the right direction, their movements became totally relaxed and above all, they managed to establish a trusting relationship with their horses. Absolutely everyone can achieve results like this. Take my word for it: « You won’t get it cheaper anywhere else! « The energy used by a tense rider and horse attempting to fight these rigidities is immense, compared to the small effort of learning to control one’s eyes. This allows real harmony with the horse; it is more attractive, less tiring and not at all expensive!


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Everyone is capable of making progress

Droits d'accès: 
Programme / Dossiers Miniature: 
Résumé listing: 

I am certain that each of us is capable of fulfilling his or her objectives.
I have seen so many average riders reach the highest possible levels thanks to the power of their passion and their conviction. There are however many opportunities for allowing oneself to become discouraged (...)

Niveau de difficulté: 
Contenu du dossier: 

I am certain that each of us is capable of fulfilling his or her objectives.
I have seen so many average riders reach the highest possible levels thanks to the power of their passion and their conviction. There are however many opportunities for allowing oneself to become discouraged.

I have at times heard certain trainers say: «It’s not worth it, he or she will never make it ... « and then, only a few years later, to find the same rider in the medals at the World Championships or the Olympic Games.



All those who succeed share a common point: they believe in themselves. Like everyone else, however, they too at times are depressed, and their will to succeed and to believe in what they do remains hidden deep within their inner selves. Some riders come to see me and say: «I’ll never make it, I’m too old, too weak, too nervous, not sufficiently concentrated.»
On each occasion, I persuade them that every single rider, without exception, can progress. To do this it is necessary to “have faith”. Rather than comparing oneself to others, compare with one’s own the level of a year or a month ago. Being aware of one’s progress is encouraging for finding the strength to continue.

Look for those who encourage you and don’t listen to the others.

The same applies to your inner thoughts, by the way.

As far as horses are concerned, you should also trust your deepest feelings. Right at the beginning of my career as an eventer, I owned two young horses I greatly believed in. I had the opportunity to ask the French team’s coach what he thought of them.

After watching me ride in the dressage test and in the cross country phase his opinion was rather negative: too heavy, not enough of this, not enough of that… in short he didn’t leave me much hope as far as one day making them into high level horses was concerned. The following year
I became French Champion with one of them, Ut Majeur, and three years later, the best French rider at the Munich Olympic Games with the other. Of the four team horses present in Munich, two were mine!

Unfortunately, sincere encouragement from others is extremely rare. Personally I have to thank Marc, Gilles Bertran de Balanda’s father, a great deal. He really did encourage me with all his heart.

Most of our handicaps, weaknesses and complexes are above all in our heads. These are the mental barriers that hinder progress.

They are also the reason for which progress is faster or slower, depending on the rider. The body reflects the mind and vice-versa:  a rider receptive to advice and flexibly minded makes faster progress. On the other hand, those presenting mental resistance also resist with their bodies and progress is necessarily slower. I myself notice everyday that my manner of seeing and learning things, and events, influences my body and the way I ride.

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Improve the jumping trajectory and the control in the approach

Droits d'accès: 
Image Miniature: 
Résumé listing: 

The set-up with “normal-short” distances forces the rider to control his approach, which will bring, among other things, some improvements in the way the rider’s mind works.

Niveau de difficulté: 

The set-up with “normal-short” distances forces the rider to control his approach, which will bring, among other things, some improvements in the way the rider’s mind works.


If the rider's looking down, the following movement of the exercise will be problematic as the preparation and anticipation are fundamental to the success of this exercise: « What am I thinking about?...… Why?..Is that useful right now? »

If something goes wrong, the root of the problem often occurs a few seconds before.

The difficulty of the exercise is also to stay very straight on the approach and on the fence. Again, keeping the panoramic vision is very important.

The horse also needs a correct trajectory on the jump to go thru the set-up properly. This exercise will help horses that aren’t comfortable on combinations to gain confidence. As this exercise is easy, horses of all levels can do it.

Variant / Progression: 

As the rider goes along, he can tighten his turns and combine a short path with a long path. The goal, of course, is to work for improvement still keeping in mind that perfection doesn’t exist.

Mental and physical control

Droits d'accès: 
Image Miniature: 
Résumé listing: 

This exercise improved the mental and the physical of the horse and the rider without jumping excessively large fences. Here, Michel ride Vivaldi, a ineperienced horse.

Niveau de difficulté: 

This exercise improved the mental and the physical of the horse and the rider without jumping excessively large fences. Here, Michel ride Vivaldi, a ineperienced horse.


This exercise requires discipline from the rider. He has to commit to respecting:

- the path and getting the horse to jump the middle of  the fence

- a steady rhythm on the approach and on the landing

At the same time, the rider needs to focus on his position to let the horse move freely and to let him flow thru his movements.

For the horse, it’s an excellent gymnastic to allow him to improve the coordination of his movements. To be successful going thru the grid, the horse has to organize himself to correctly place the take-off stride at each jump. The exercise also allows the horse to develop his concentration and his ability to react quickly.


Variant / Progression: 

It’s important to proceed by steps and to start with ground poles. We’ll reach the final set-up only if the horse succeeds multiple times on the previous grids.
As always, the idea is to improve with each repetition…..and not the other way around.

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