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Horse Academy - Videos & riding lessons

Michel Robert offers to riders of every level his 40 years of experience as a horseman, as a coach and as an international competitor. This site was created by Michel Robert and his team. It is a practical and educational guide aimed at helping horses and riders at every level, amateur or professional, progress.


New Video on Horse Academy

Basic exercise to stay loose and calm

One is already aware of the importance of the rider’s eyes as a key player for his/her physical and mental performance. It is well known that the large angle view is one of the most effective ways to keep you in an upright position and connected with your horse.

Time: 6 min
Varying the length of the canter stride, placing the correct stride approaching a jump

This schooling grid allows the rider to experiment with the different options in the canter stride to get the correct place for the perfect take-off stride.

Time: 7 min 50
Michel robert

Five time French champion, multiple medallist at the World Championships and the Olympics, over the course of his 40-year career, Michel Robert has become a respected leader in the equestrian world and one of the most in-demand trainers in France and in the world. Having ended his competitive career in 2013, Michel now devotes himself to training competition horses in his stables in Moras (Isere) and also to passing on his knowledge and his experience on this website Horse Academy.
A deeper ambition hides behind this extraordinary success: achieving perfect harmony between the body and soul. For Michel this harmony with the horse is truly a way of life. Here lies the real secret of this man in constant search of perfection. Here is what makes him one of the finest riders in the world (...)