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Steadiness when Jumping

Learn how to control your mind when approaching a fence

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The primary goal of this session is to get the rider and horse to reach a state of serenity. Michel has developed an exercise helping riders to become aware of the moment they lose control of their mind and of their actions approaching a fence.

Niveau de difficulté: 

It is well known that the closer the rider is from the fence, the more the emotions or interfering thoughts are taking over which disturbs not only the rider’s position but consequently the horse’s mind and the quality of his canter.

The primary goal of this session is to get the rider and horse to reach a state of serenity. Michel has developed an exercise helping riders to become aware of the moment they lose control of their mind and of their actions approaching a fence.

This exercise is shown on the sheet M6 of the Training program 1


For this new lesson, Michel teaches Charlotte who rides Bounty, a quite inexperienced 5 Year Old mare.

The exercise begins with riding in between the fences preparing for all the key elements that will lead to a successful jump: a rider in control of her mind and her horse’s mind, well seated with a steady canter and a straight mare.

Michel’s professional eye detects any interfering movement from the rider and its influence on the horse. We can see that a good landing is the results of a good approach. Therefore, the rider has to plan each phase of the jump constantly.

We will also notice how sensitive a horse is to the slightest disturbance of the rider’s mind. During this session, Charlotte will have to face a situation leading her to become confused. Her hesitation will impact the mare’s behaviour who will take the control over and decide for her rider.

Cours associés

Calm and serenity on the approach and landing fences

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Résumé listing: 

Day Dreamer tends to get worried and to rush to get rid of the fence. The goal of this session is to obtain a horse that stays calm and steady on the approach and landing jumps. For that, we need to make him focus using some specific exercises as well as using the good connexion Marine was able to establish on the preliminary flat work.

Niveau de difficulté: 

This jumping session takes place after a flat work session that sets the base of the good horse-rider connexion.

Day Dreamer tends to get worried and to rush to get rid of the fence. The goal of this session is to obtain a horse that stays calm and steady on the approach and landing jumps. For that, we need to make him focus using some specific exercises as well as using the good connexion Marine was able to establish on the preliminary flat work.


Michel sets-up some exercises that will enable Day Dreamer to focus and be serein before and after a fence. Marine, the rider, implements Michel’s advice regarding her position and her mind frame in order to reassure her horse.

At first, approaches are successfully managed. After practising the exercise several times, Day dreamer stays steady and approaches fences calmly, without rushing. However, he keeps rushing when landing out of the line, Michel adjusts the exercise to get the horse to be more focused and to push from behind to maintain a steady canter.

By the end of the session, the horse goes over the line calmly. We can notice that it helped improve his jumping technics. He goes over the grid and then turns behind it in a steady rhythm with a good engagement of the hind-legs.




. Use your side-way vision when the horse has a tendency to pull when approaching fences.

. With a nervous horse or a horse that rushes to fences, do not try to hold him at all time, but on the contrary, get a stronger canter going to the fence and closer to the approach decrease the speed.

.  Keep in mind that there is “a life” after the fence. So stay connected including after the fence especially to reassure your horse.

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