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The rider’s hands belong to the horse’s mouth

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The goal of this exercise is to encourage the horse to reach for the contact, whether he is in a low position when stretching the neck down, or in a position with the poll being the highest point. By allowing the horse to round his entire top line, the rider will enable him to optimize his engagement, his pushing power, and his balance.

Niveau de difficulté: 

The goal of this exercise is to encourage the horse to reach for the contact, whether he is in a low position when stretching the neck down, or in a position with the poll being the highest point. By allowing the horse to round his entire top line, the rider will enable him to optimize his engagement, his pushing power, and his balance.


To reach this goal, it is critical for the rider to acquire some freedom of movements especially of his arms and hands. This will allow him to follow the flow of movement of the horse’s neck particularly when the horse lengthens his gait or jumps. Unfortunately, we all know that the natural tendency for riders is to get a good hold of the reins, and to bring the hands toward the belly. Too many horses are blocked in their cervical vertebras and in their back and don’t have this freedom of movement needed in order to use their full potential.

It requires the rider to practise and learn to stay in a vertical position while “giving” his hands to the horse’s mouth. It can be achieved by practising with simple exercises like the one in today’s session.


Michel teaches Sélène and Amore. This simple set-up is proven to be good for the rider to acquire good reflexes and generate good responses from the horse. At the beginning of the session, Sélène has to improve her upper body position approaching ground poles. As she practises, her horse starts to loosen up, and becomes easier to direct in a round or on the bit position.

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Breathing and relaxation in the action

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We’ve learned that a good oxygenation of the body is a key player in the muscle and mind relaxation. However, to learn to breathe correctly when riding requires some practice. This is today’s focus of this new exercise from Michel.

Niveau de difficulté: 

We’ve learned that a good oxygenation of the body is a key player in the muscle and mind relaxation. However, to learn to breathe correctly when riding requires some practice. This is today’s focus of this new exercise from Michel.

To breathe deeply and steadily when we are comfortably seated in a sofa is no problem. However, when we are challenged by something more physical, the breathing rhythm becomes shallow and spasmodic with some apnea moments. By simply watching how many riders are out of breath at the end of a jumping course, we can realize how difficult it is to breathe correctly while performing a physical activity. However, the correct oxygenation of our body is critical if we want to optimize our physical and mental abilities. As soon as a rider blocks his breathing, his body stiffens, his stress level increases, and he loses the ability to control the situation.
As Michel shows us, the horse is also very receptive to the positive or negative signals that the rider’s breathing emits.

So it is crucial for the rider to become aware of his breathing and to practise breathing correctly in all circumstances. Michel offers you a small practise session on a ground pole set-up. Don’t hesitate to modify the track and then, to replace the ground poles by some cavalettis then jumps, but make sure you stay in perfect control of the rhythm of your inhales and exhales.

This exercise is shown on the sheet M4 of the Training program 1


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Rider’s effectiveness in a 3 point position and a forward seat

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This exercise is a good test to know if the rider is equally effective whatever her position: seated or forward seat. The goal is to get the horse to keep the same canter rhythm and the same pushing power, especially in the turns as horses have a tendency to decrease their impulsion in the turns.

Niveau de difficulté: 

This exercise is a good test to know if the rider is equally effective whatever her position: seated or forward seat. The goal is to get the horse to keep the same canter rhythm and the same pushing power, especially in the turns as horses have a tendency to decrease their impulsion in the turns.

We explained in the previous lessons how important it is to allow the horse to move freely especially in his back. As a result, it is best to be in a jumping position to allow the free flow of energy along the top line and to encourage the horse to engage his hind legs. The better the horse’s pushing power, especially in the turns, the easier it is for the rider to slow down, speed up, or modify the length of the stride to approach the fence in good form.
In general, when riding in a seated position, riders may have the feeling of being stronger, more secure and that their aids are more effective. However, to seat heavily in the saddle, pushing down on the back of the horse, works against the forward movement.
Rider should be able to ride and remain as effective in a 3-point position as they are in a 2 point position. To switch from one position to the other one, should not generate any stiffness or blockage, as it will have a negative impact on the pushing power and balance of the horse, as well as on the rider’s ability to stay on a precise track. The more fluid and light the rider is in his movements, the steadier the horse will be in his canter….This is today’s focus.

This exercise refers to the sheet H9 of the Training 1 program.


Lucile rides her mare Vanille to demonstrate the exercise. As she starts the exercise, she realises that it is more challenging than expected. Vanille is not a very reactive mare and to turn short makes her lose the impulsion which causes her to break into a trot. The goal will be to keep the same rhythm over the entire track, especially before, over and after the flexi jump ground poles.

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Rider’s position and harmony with the horse

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A good position is not only nice to watch but is also suitable to connect the motion of the horse and rider together. That said, no rider has the perfect position and everyone must deal with their own physical limitation.

Niveau de difficulté: 

A good position is not only nice to watch but is also suitable to connect the motion of the horse and rider together. That said, no rider has the perfect position and everyone must deal with their own physical limitation. However, riders ought to get as close as possible to that perfect position. In this video, Michel demonstrates the key elements of a position that will allow the rider to work in harmony with his horse.
The slow motion sequences will help you view and integrate the correct motion of each part of the rider’s body as shown here by Michel.

This exercise is shown on the sheet F6 sheet of the Training program 1


When on a horse, the rider is held by the saddle. He can lean forward or backward or even seat crooked without falling. It explains why numerous riders won’t pay much attention to the quality of their position. We don’t find that issue in most of the other sport involving balance. Unfortunately, the longer we let the bad habit take place, the harder it will be to change it.

To confront the facts, the rider can rely on a video or a shrewd eye like an instructor or an informed person. The rider will then become aware of his problems and will be able to analyse when and why his position deteriorates. For instance, if the legs get too far forward, the rider should be able to realise it and understand why: is it when the horse speeds up? …or is it close to the jump? …Is it linked to anxiety? …or maybe to a saddle that doesn’t fit the rider?...


In case the bad habits are well anchored, it is important to allow a period of time to make the modifications. “Rome was not built in a day”. For that matter, even though the rider will make great progress, the rider should stay alert at all time as it is extremely easy to fall back into such bad habit. As Michel always says: “I’ve been improving my position between age 50 and now”. Achieving a good position is a daily training and requires a strong will….Bad habits die hard. That said, everyone can progress, whatever the level or the age.

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Breathing and relaxation

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Programme / Dossiers Miniature: 
Résumé listing: 

To reach the state of mental and physical relaxation, breathing is a useful method for concentrating on oneself and returning one’s mind to the present moment. Breathing calmly and deeply allows one to remain in harmony with oneself, to be vigilant and keep one’s reflexes alert in order to carry out movements with relaxed muscles.

Mots clés: 
Mental control
rider’s mental conditioning
Niveau de difficulté: 
Contenu du dossier: 


To reach the state of mental and physical relaxation, breathing is a useful method for concentrating on oneself and returning one’s mind to the present moment. Breathing calmly and deeply allows one to remain in harmony with oneself, to be vigilant and keep one’s reflexes alert in order to carry out movements with relaxed muscles.

Observe to what extent certain great international riders exaggerate their breathing. Two or three strides off a fence, one powerful exhalation chases away all emotions and brings one back to the present.

You yourselves have certainly noticed to what extent breathing can provide a good indication of mental tension. When all is calm, breathing is regular and deep. In the presence of the tiniest emotion, it stops and simultaneously the body stiffens.

The rider must know how to use his breathing to achieve the relaxation and suppleness indispensable for the body to work correctly. 

Most of the time, when one asks someone to breathe deeply they tend only to breathe with the upper part of their body, expanding their chests.

Correct breathing means allowing air to enter one’s body as deeply as possible, as if the air were reaching one’s pelvis.

Try now. Control your breathing by placing a hand on your stomach: it must rise. Ideally, exhalation must last twice as long as inhalation because it allows muscular relaxation and anchors the body towards the ground.

On a horse, the body’s position conditions the mobility of the chest and diaphragm. If you lean forward, with your shoulders and back rounded, it becomes very difficult to breathe deeply with your stomach.

Start by practicing at a walk. Look far ahead and breathe while imagining the air flowing down all the way to your boots.

You will notice that your muscles relax, you will unwind, your horse will calm down and you will have returned to a state of mind favourable to the supple working of all your joints.

When out hacking with a relaxed horse, one’s breathing is calm and regular, one’s eyes look ahead into the distance. You must make the effort to re-establish this same attitude when approaching a fence. 

To practice, once again start with very simple exercises, for example, working on poles on the ground. Try to discover at what moment you get the feeling that your visual awareness-breathing has changed in some way. Progressively train over 50 centimetre jumps, then 1 metre, then jump a course at home and finally in a competition. It is obvious that, when competing, your breathing will accelerate. The effort is greater, but one’s frame of mind must remain the same. Learn to control your mental activity.

We will study visual awareness in detail, but you should already know its influence on the rider’s relaxation is crucial. The eyes can be at the origin of muscular and mental contractions, resulting in blocked breathing and even causing asphyxia. I have at times been able to solve difficult situations simply by working on the eyes and on breathing.

Riders wishing to improve thanks to these breathing techniques can refer to yoga and other oriental disciplines.

Extract of the book "Secrets and method of a great champion"


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Choose the winner view!

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Programme / Dossiers Miniature: 
Résumé listing: 

To choose the large angle view is to choose the winner view : The body gets upstraight, the chest opens up, the breathing is set free, the brain gets oxygenated…..That is the way physical and mental tensions clear up.

Mots clés: 
rider’s mind works
rider's position
rider's mind
the rider's eyes
Niveau de difficulté: 
Contenu du dossier: 


Here is my tip to make great and quick progress : Look up and afar ! That way you will rise above events and you willl be able to tackle the difficulties you encounter. To choose the large angle view is to choose the winner view : The body gets upstraight, the chest opens up, the breathing is set free, the brain gets oxygenated…..That is the way physical and mental tensions clear up.

It is impossible to imagine to what extent simply «disconnecting» the eyes can improve one’s seat, help the understanding of a movement and improve harmony with the horse… The most rigid rider can become supple over a very short period of time. Once again, rigidity and hardness are, above all, mental and not physical, as most of us tend to believe.

«All riders are capable of using their wide-angle view when approaching, during and after a fence»...Except the blind, you’ll answer. However, the blind, in fact, sit up straight, supple and relaxed. They are totally involved in paying attention to their sensations.

Everyone is capable of using a wide-angle view. I have tested this on riders of all ages and all levels. I have come across riders with totally stuck and rigid seats, blocked shoulders and gritted jaws… It would have taken ten years to solve all their problems. In two sessions, we achieved exceptional results simply working on their minds… though their eyes. I never even mentioned their seat, their horses, or their manner of approaching fences, until they were able to control their eyes. As they repeated the exercises, looking in the right direction, their movements became totally relaxed and above all, they managed to establish a trusting relationship with their horses. Absolutely everyone can achieve results like this. Take my word for it: « You won’t get it cheaper anywhere else! « The energy used by a tense rider and horse attempting to fight these rigidities is immense, compared to the small effort of learning to control one’s eyes. This allows real harmony with the horse; it is more attractive, less tiring and not at all expensive!


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How to keep our mind focused on the present moment

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Programme / Dossiers Miniature: 
Résumé listing: 

if you have a tendency to let your mind wander away with some parasitic thoughts, I suggest that you keep your mind busy with a sentence that you will repeat over and over again. Like a mantra, this sentence will help you fight mental disturbances. The goal is to focus your mind on the present moment. I personally like to use the sentence: “My position - My horse – My track”...

Mots clés: 
Mental control
rider’s mental conditioning
Niveau de difficulté: 
Contenu du dossier: 


As I already explained many times, the control of the mind is part of the rider’s training. That said, if you have a tendency to let your mind wander away with some parasitic thoughts, I suggest that you keep your mind busy with a sentence that you will repeat over and over again. Like a mantra, this sentence will help you fight mental disturbances. The goal is to focus your mind on the present moment. I personally like to use the sentence: “My position - My horse – My track”. It’s a “to do check-list” repeated on a loop pattern of the three most important statements to consider when riding. A kind of an on-going status-check that will help the rider to improve each parameter required for successful completion of an exercise. The point is to realise as soon as possible the potential roots of problems.
Imagine you enter a show ground, the spectators are here and while you are warming up your horse, you start focusing on a person. Your thoughts will quickly lead you to speculate: “What is this person doing here? Will she/he find me a bad rider? Will she/he find my horse like this or that? …”. Twenty minutes later you are still lost into your suppositions or other thoughts that are useless and will not get ready for your class.
Suppose, now, that you enter the warm-up ring with only one goal in mind this time: keeping your mind focused on your position, your horse and your track. Each time, your mind starts to wander away, focus back on your mantra “My position- My horse- My path”. I let you guess the difference these 20 minutes of preparation will make.


My position

Start with a full check list of the following key elements regarding your position:
“Am I in a state of relaxation and looseness? Am I above my horse’s gravity centre? Not too forward…not leaning back. Is my back flat or rounded or even twisted? My arms flexed….My shoulders loosened….Both my hands at the same level- Are my legs well positioned? The alignment feet-hips-shoulders-ears.”
One should establish a list that fits him best. When you’ll be used to check the key elements of your position, it will take you only 5 to 10 seconds to do so. It is, also, an excellent way to reconnect the sensors of your body, especially when you work on flat or in between fences. Each time I get in the saddle, I make an assessment of my position. It has become a sort of a ritual. The simple fact to think “position” will allow me to instinctively be well seated. For those who know about it, this way of proceeding is the same approach as the NLP (Neuro Linguistic programming).


My horse

To the extent that your position is correct, your body sensors are able to give you precious information on your horse’s condition.
Does my horse have enough energy or not? What needs to be done within the next few seconds or meters?
As soon as I think “my horse”, I have the image of the hind legs in my “inner screen”. I visualise mentally where they land. I become aware of the muscle mass that moves them. The most important is to feel what happens behind the saddle. The horse’s motion underneath the seat is what shapes everything else. According to the picture I established, I’ll take different courses of action by asking more or less energy.
Riders who focus on the mouth only or on outside elements such as the fence for example, forget systematically that the power comes from the hind.
To keep on with the mental assessment of your horse check list, think about the quality of the canter: Is the canter loose or does my horse have the hocks far away behind, with a hollowed back? Are his shoulders drifting to the right or left?
Unlike what most riders are doing instinctively, we worry about the neck and head last.

My track
 “…I’ve got to go in front of this flower pot over the right and this bush on the left….turn in front of the blue oxer…go straight toward the stand…empower my canter to approach the Liverpool…” Being one step ahead mentally will allow you to reset yourself on the predefined track while being aware of the speed. The horse could decide to speed up toward the exit gate of the ring or to slow down going away from it. He can also open his turn more than anticipated to decrease his flexion as well as the engagement of his hind legs. Therefore, it is important to react as soon as possible to get back on the track and the speed wanted. The faster you react, the fewer actions you will need.
However, when the horse is on the right path at the correct speed, we can give him some freedom, so he can step into a space of wellness. A space in which the rider doesn’t influence his mount as he has nothing more to ask.
To verify if all the parameters are correct, one can do this simple test which consists in releasing some of the connection with the hands and legs. If the horse stays on the anticipated track without modifying it, then the horse and rider are in a good disposition with the correct level of energy.

If you get used to do the inventory of these three essential notions, very quickly, you will need to mentally talk to yourself “My position- My horse- My track” to go instantly from a critical position to a favourable position. Ideally, one would need to assess them as fast as possible. It seems evident that if you spend too much time worrying about your position, you will forget quickly about your horse and your track.
Same if you think only about your horse without being aware of your position or even where you are supposed to go, difficulties loom ahead. It is the mistake made by a large number of riders who focus mainly on their horse and not also on their track and position.
I can promise you that it is rare to have a horse all over the place if the track and the rider’s position are correct.
To work every single day on “My position- My horse –My track” will allow you to gain the correct reflexes and not feel overwhelmed in front of a difficulty.


Cours associés

Exercise to transition between flat work and jumping

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Résumé listing: 

The exercise set-up encourages the rider to pay close attention to all the parameters required for a clear round.

Mots clés: 
jumping exercise
flat work
control when jumping
control in the approach
Rhythm of the gait
steadiness of the canter
Niveau de difficulté: 

This exercise will help you overcome the technical difficulties of a course without straining your horse. It can be practised by riders of all levels and will help you gain correct habits: a symmetrical position, a straight horse in the approach and landing, follow a precise track in the turns and on straight lines, get ready and anticipate each action, keep a steady rhythm.


They start the session with some trot work. It is recommended for less experimented riders or horses to pratise it first at a walk. It would allow the horse to discover the set up and not be surprised.

Charlotte doesn’t have any problem performing the exercise as long as she stays mentally concentrated and focused on her position. However, as soon as she glances down, even for a fraction of a second, she loses her focus and position. The response is immediate: the horse gets out of the track, modifies his rhythm or even steps on the flexy jumps. The rider needs to control the situation at any moment in her position but also in her mind.

It will help Charlotte find a good balance between too much control at the canter and a horse who gets above the bit and rushes. The goal is to obtain a steady cadence throughout the exercise especially before and after the flexy-jumps.

Once again, we can notice the importance of anticipating and preparing for each action to be successful throughout the exercise.

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Exercise to improve the quality of the turns

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Résumé listing: 

This exercise is very suitable to improve the turns especially to detect and correct any problem with the horse or rider’s symmetry. Directing correctly the horse on the path is key to success (...)

Mots clés: 
The centred position
to turn
cavaletti practice
Niveau de difficulté: 

This exercise is very suitable to improve the turns especially to detect and correct any problem with the horse or rider’s symmetry. Directing correctly the horse on the path is key to success. If the rider stays in a centred position (middle position) without interfering with the horse’s balance, he/she’ll be able to turn short and win the few seconds that will make the difference.

This has to first be practised over small jumps like cavalettis as shown in this video with Michel and his student Marine.


This exercise created by Michel doesn’t present any difficulties with regard to the height of the jumps. Therefore, it can be a good transition between some flat work and work over fences. It will allow the repetitions of the exercise without tiring the horse or taking any risk.
 In this session, Marine rides Amanda, a 7 year old German warm blood mare.

While practising the exercise in both directions, Marine gets to find out which of the small imperfections in her position or in the quality of her requests, are influencing the path and quality of jump of her mare. As Michel notices, horses who drift to the right or left, do so because their riders have a tendency to lean toward the direction they want to follow.

Thanks to this cavaletti exercise and to the solutions Michel offers, Marine will be able to master the exercise and to learn to direct her mare on a precise path with a minimum of demands.

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What should one do when the horse rushes the fences?

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Programme / Dossiers Miniature: 
Résumé listing: 

Set loose, a horse rarely rushes a fence of its own free will. On the contrary, it would rather go around it or stop. If it does jump it, will maintain the same cadence, or prudently slow down.

Mots clés: 
approaching fences
jumping exercises
in control over fences
controlling the speed
Niveau de difficulté: 
Contenu du dossier: 


Set loose, a horse rarely rushes a fence of its own free will. On the contrary, it would rather go around it or stop. If it does jump it, will maintain the same cadence, or prudently slow down.

It is riders who teach horses to rush at fences –either through bad use of the long whip when the horse is unmounted or lunged, or because the rider has taught it to do this by cantering faster when approaching a fence.

Basically, each jump has its own canter. It is in your best interest to use this canter well before the approach and maintain it up to the take-off spot and after landing.

When a horse tends to charge its fences, I ask the rider to do the opposite of whatever he fears. « If you are afraid the horse will take off with you in front of the fence, come towards the jump at a fast canter from quite far off and slow down for the last few strides, as if you were going to jump at a standstill. « One very soon observes that the rider does not exaggerate and maintains an average speed throughout his approach.

The same happens if one places a small fence on the track followed by an enormous upright seven strides away; everyone will be calm and fully in control over the first fence.

It is the rider’s imagination that will allow for a calm and concentrated attitude and therefore he will also control the horse.


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